The Knights Core Principles are:  Charity, Unity & Fraternity.  The Knights continue to be very active in supporting our parish & community.  Below are some of the activities that we were involved with.    We thank you for your continue support in our fundraising activities.

· Coordinated Vocations Endowment drive in February.  Collected $8,000 in support of seminarians.

· Coordinated the Camp Monahan Shamrock Drive.  $3,700 collected for the Archdiocese Youth Camp.

· Helped host the KofC State Convention.  Hosted Friday Registration, Opening Mass and Social.  On Saturday hosted the banquet for 275 people.  Thanks Tom and all your helpers for making this a huge  success.

· MyGen Youth Rally

· Prepared & served a Chili Lunch at Marian Centre.   133 plates served.

· Hosted the Silver Rose Service to commemorate the story of Our   Lady of Guadalupe.  

· Kairos Blanket Exercise - Participated in and helped fund this event.  Organized by Social Justice Committee.

· Camp Monahan - over 2 weekends, shingled and put siding on a new building at camp.

· Warm Welcome Coalition Centre

· Provided financial assistance to:

· Resurrection Catechism Atrium; being organized by Farrah Semegen

· Regina Catholic School Division autistic children program

· Purchase a new meat slicer for the Parish kitchen

· Cuernavaca Salad and Desert fundraiser.  Provided help with serving, cleanup and selling tickets.


If you are interested in learning more about the Knights or in becoming a knight, contact our Membership Director - Brian Beitel 306 536-0272 or Grand Knight - Darrell Zaba 306 520-7132