Parish Council
What exactly does the Parish Pastoral Council do? Click Here for more information.
Chair |
Darrell Zaba |
Vice-Chair |
Vacant |
Past Chair | Sarah France |
Ecumenism |
Dan Cameron |
Hospitality |
Linda Zaba |
Liturgy |
Karen Eisler Marge Yano |
Ministry of Care |
Greg Dionne |
Spiritual Development |
Farrah Semegen |
Youth |
Lauryn Graham |
Social Justice |
Janet Stamatinos Joan Lane |
Reverence for Life | Vacant |
Stewardship |
Vacant |
Recording Secretary |
Rukky Abudu-Mordi |
Knights of Columbus |
Gil Ennis |
Catholic Women's League (CWL) |
Joan Zylak |
Members at Large |
Murray Wright |
Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are available upon request at the Parish Office.